Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dr. Raj Featured on New research discovers no link between childhood obesity and school junk food!

In my latest media coverage, I was featured on to explain how  the national childhood obesity epidemic is due in part to kids being less active, while foods have 30 percent more calories than 20 years ago.

My advice to parents:  

Make the child walk to school. Show the kids an example by eating well with the kids. 

 Your kids will follow by example and as parents, if we practice what we preach, the message is more powerful.

Check out the full article here!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dr. Raj Featured on GirlsGoneSporty: How to avoid injury while increasing the intensity of your workout!

With a new year comes the classic list of many new resolutions. Although resolution goals may fluctuate from year to year, fitness-related improvements never fall short of the number one spot on the list.

Step up your game this year and bump up the intensity of your exercise routine!

Featured in GirlsGoneSporty, I've put together a list of five tips to help you avoid injury while increasing the intensity and/or time of your workout.

You can also check out the full article here!