In a recent HEALTH & FITNESS article, I was asked to contribute my thoughts not only on orthopedic analysis of joint pains over time, but was also encouraged to contribute a few fitness and exercise routines to keep the creaks away.
Briefly, the article's key points are...
Listen to your Body. Your body knows best, which is why you need to pay attention to it. If you feel sore a day or two after working out, that shouldn’t raise any red flags. “But if you have acute pain when you’re exercising, your body’s telling you something’s not right,” says Rajagopalan. Stop the activity and see a doctor if the pain persists.
Cross-Train. The best way to keep doing the activities you love is to vary what you do. “I never tell people they have to quit their favorite activities just because they’re getting older,” says Rajagopalan. Of course, if you’re having pain during a specific activity, that’s a different story, he adds. But if your joints aren’t protesting and you love playing tennis, for example, try alternating with hiking or yoga. “By cross-training, you work different muscles and avoid putting repetitive stress on the body, which can lead to injury,” he says.
Vary your Impact. High-impact activities, like running and playing tennis, place a lot of stress on your body -- especially your joints -- whereas low-impact activities like walking, cycling and Pilates place little stress on the body. In fact, people in the above study who did light exercise, like walking, had the healthiest knee cartilage. So if you’re always doing high-impact activities, then give your body a break and swap in some low-impact activities a few times a week.
Modify your Routine. Tough as it is to accept, there may come a day when injury forces you to give up an activity, perhaps even permanently. But don’t despair. This doesn’t mean you’re completely sidelined. Work with your doctor to come up with alternatives, advises Rajagopalan. For instance, if running is taking too big a toll on your knees, then try taking it down a notch and walk or use an elliptical machine instead. By finding similar, more joint-friendly activities, you can respect your body, avoid achy joints and still enjoy the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle at every age.The coverage has been quite impressive, and to all who shared, including several regional FOX and MSNBC networks, I am most humbled and grateful.
To read the original article by well-known Health & Fitness wordsmith Karen Asp, click here...